"My Unity Place"

Maria Levine's Comments

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At 6:51pm on October 21, 2013, Angie Blom said…
Girlfriend... Loving all your new projects! So glad to see you here :) xx
At 9:52pm on December 27, 2011, Stacy White said…
thank you for the birthday wishes
At 8:43pm on September 21, 2011, Marcy H said…
Thank You Maria!
At 9:59am on September 16, 2011, Julia Diane said…
Thank you for the birthday greetings!  Julia Diane
At 6:45am on August 3, 2011, Jessica Baker said…
Hi Maria, thank you for the info. I found out that kit is retired :o(. Now trying to search everywhere to see if someone wants to sell it to me. Signed desparately seeking "She said..." Donna Downey.
At 7:38pm on July 6, 2011, Savannah O'Gwynn said…
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your sweet comments:) You are the BESTEST!! <3
At 10:34am on June 29, 2011, Kristi Westling said…
Thank you Maria :)
At 6:35pm on June 26, 2011, Julia Vazquez said…
Thanks Maria!!!!
At 9:11pm on June 7, 2011, Jan said…

Hi Maria....

Just wanted to say a big THANX to you for my birthday wish on May9th...

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you...

As a newie to leaving messages, I do hope this is in the right place...

Hope you're having a good day....

Hugs from across the big pond...

Jan - in the UK ;-)

At 8:43pm on May 19, 2011, Pam Pittwood said…
Thanks Maria :-)
At 8:04pm on May 19, 2011, Kelly Massman said…
Thanks for the birthday wish! That cupckae card is so cute!! while i'm here... :-)
At 8:15pm on May 5, 2011, Sharon Gullikson said…
Bingo game Saturday: Do I need to do anything else, other than choose the 25 words? Do I go online Saturday? The directions just said to pick 25 words, but it seems like there would be more that I need to do....Thanks
At 9:05pm on May 3, 2011, Sharon Porter said…
Thank you so much, that was sweet of you!!!
At 7:51pm on May 1, 2011, Sharon Gullikson said…

Thank you so much! I'm having a nice, relaxing day outdoors with my family, listening to my 3 day old baby birds in my lime tree. Life is good....


At 1:08pm on May 1, 2011, Sharon Gullikson said…
I'm not sure if you were sending me a birthday greeting, or Unity---we share our birthday. But if it was intended for me, thank you very much!!! If it was intended for Unity, well, I also send a happy birthday greeting. I'm a liiiiiiitle bit older (Unity is 3 today).
At 12:52pm on April 23, 2011, Kate said…
Thanks Maria xx
At 7:18pm on March 29, 2011, Natalie said…
can't believe we weren't friends already :) thanks for the invite!
At 5:20pm on July 20, 2009, Amy said…
Happy Birthday!
At 7:03am on July 20, 2009, StampinCathy said…
Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope you have a wonderful day.
At 10:24pm on April 23, 2009, Kelly Landers said…
Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my Earth Day card Maria!

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